Friday, October 23, 2009

October 23

What a big difference between the cisplatin and metheltrexate for Sofie. She slept a lot but when she was awake, she was awake. She has had some memory problems but she did so much more such as sitting up, eating, talking, brushing. Its been wonderful!! Also her sense of humor is ever present today. Tomorrow morn Brooke has to go home. Boo hoo. But it's my understanding she has some Jackson friends coming down tomorrow... she will really enjoy that. She is becoming very unabashed with her head, unveiling herself often now. She makes bald look fabulous. Getting late now... good night! Bonnie
PS I think she has about 18 followers on twitter now!


  1. Hey Sofia, I am so glad to hear you are doing well! Remember bald is beautiful! I am amazed at how well you are handling all this. I pray for you all the time and I hope that your treatment goes smoothly. Oh Bonnie too the handicap sticker you should just be able to have your doctor write a note stating her condition and then take it to the DMV, I'm pretty sure that is all we did.If you need anything dont hesitate to call! Jourdyn Cleveland

  2. Hey Sofie,
    My prayers are with you in Ireland! I think of you daily and what a brick you are! Bald is beautiful. Only us with imperfect heads must cover them!!
    Much Love,

  3. Fabulous indeed! You go girl!
    All my love and prayers,

  4. p.s. make that 19 followers... Just signed up for twitter! Very technically savvy don't you think? Let's hear it for the Baby Boomer generation!!! Go Sofie. Tweet!

  5. The memory thing is called chemo brain. I had it, too.
    Always thinking of you and your family. You are a beautiful bald!!
    Love you.
    Diana Rieser
