Thursday, October 8, 2009

October 8th

Sof had her first home health care appt today. They will come in every Monday and Thursday to take her vitals and check her blood levels. Because she now has a port, they dont have to poke her arm to do this. I just numb her portacath and they take it from there. Can you imagine getting your veins poked twice a week for months on end? Yeah, technology! Sof spent a lot of her day on the couch but she is improving each day, moving more, visiting more, sleeping less.... Tonite at about 8:30, she took her first outing. We went to the high school and watched her dance team's last 20 minutes of rehearsal. She got lots of good lovin' from her team mates, Brandi Orchard, and Terri Miller (our favorite nurse). Hoping she will sleep better tonight... last night was a restless one. We are in Jackson til the 21st. Maybe she'll start feeling well enough to do some online school this week so she can graduate class of 2011!! Bonnie

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